Not sure how or what he has done, but poor Cosmo is lame!! He has a small split on his the side of his pad, its doesnt appear to be hot or infected but is obviously a bit sore to walk on.
We have checked his paddock for any where he may have caught it, but nothing is obvious!!
So its was a bit of home first aid, a nice foot wash to clean it, but it does look like his pad has cracked?? not sure if its becaause the ground is so dry?? his pad does feel very dry, poor boy. He now has a lovely blue foot from the antiseptic stray!!
But he is not too impressed about being restricted to the small paddock by the barn but it is for his own good, thats what I keep telling him (dont think he believes me, especially when the girls go to visit the boys up the in the top paddocks and he is left behind!!)
Hopefully it will only be for a couple of days, until the pad starts to heal and he is not hobbling around.
(Any experience of this or recommendations on this will be more than welcome?)
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